Thursday, April 16, 2009

Keepin' the record.

My second hurdle after coming up with a topic was: "How in the blue blazes do I record this thing?"

Well, I figured out what not to do.
My thinking was this: I'm broke, as mentioned before. So I don't have a ton of cash to throw away on an expensive audio recorder.

I do have my awesome sansa clip mp3 player that I use every freakin' day. I use it in the car, I plug it into my speakers at work and use it for the radio, so I can listen to NPR. When I'm sick of NPR I switch to listening to the random assortment of Mp3s I have stored on there.

What it also has is a nifty microphone. So, I figured I would test it out and I interviewed a friend about what she thinks about technology and education. She's a sixth and seventh grade teacher. She hates being interviewed.
So that didn't make for the most lively of topics, but also- while that Sansa Mp3 player is good for small Norm McDonald-style notes to yourself, it's not good audio for recording a podcast.

So for the time being, I'm stuck with my cheap $10 computer microphone until I can get something more portable.

But still- we've got to figure out how to record this thing.
You can check out my podcast to see the episode I made about audio editing software that's available.

Watch it quick because technology changes faster than I change my mind about where I want to eat. Moe's? Chipotle? Subway?

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